Work with Me
My Mission is to serve the evolution of humanity, by empowering leaders to become more mindfully engaged as a powerful force in their personal world – and in the world at large.
Personal and Leadership Transformation Coaching Services
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.” – Theodore Roosevelt

I am not here to be a critic of your life – I’m sure your inner-critic is fully engaged and does not need my help. Instead, through working with me as your Personal and Leadership Transformation Coach, you will:
- More effectively digest what your inner-critic has to say.
- Evaluate your strengths and obstacles to your progress.
- Implement with increased confidence the changes needed to become meaningfully engaged in your own life.
- Examine and prepare yourself to remove self-limiting patterns and ways of thinking that hinder you from making your unique mark in the world – in the way that’s calling to you.
- Accelerate your movement in a positive direction that has a greater impact and leads to fulfillment beyond the successes you’ve already achieved.
- Build upon already existing capabilities and discover new areas of strength.
- Examine the source of self-limiting behaviors – and learn to replace them with empowering behaviors.
At the end of our journey together, you will find the inspiration, courage and fearlessness to implement the changes needed for you to become more meaningfully engaged in your own life and to Dare Greatly in the places that matter most to you.
- You understand the cooperative and interdependent nature of life and you deeply feel the impact of the world’s problems, along with a sense of personal responsibility for how we solve those problems.
You hear the call of a deep desire to leave your heart’s imprint as a contribution to future generations.
- You see yourself leaving a lasting legacy.
- You are interested in living into your potential and you want to be more thoughtful and intentional about how you evolve yourself, knowing that as you do you have a greater possibility of evolving our human response to our biggest challenges.
- You are not concerned about success for success’s sake, but rather feel that your success endows you with a greater capacity to help the world evolve into its greatest potential.
- You are not interested in personal and spiritual development solely for what it can do for you, but rather as a pathway for enabling, empowering, and equipping you to be part of the solution.
- You know that this Big Blue Marble we inhabit is a living, intertwined, interdependent system, and that what happens to the least of us affects ALL of us.
- You know that the inner whisper you hear, the inner urge that compels you, and the deepest vision you see is calling you.
- You know that the life you are waiting for is ALSO waiting for you.
- You know that NOW is the time for you… and you’re ready.
Yet, knowing all of these things, you struggle to find the path that will enable you to actualize your life’s vision. I ask just one thing of you – allow me the honor of being a catalyst in your transformational journey.
Contributing over 30 years of experience, skill, and wisdom gained through my work with thousands of individuals and groups, and my own ongoing transformational and spiritual development, together we will help you discover that path and accelerate your movement and results as you step more boldly into your calling to build a better world.
My Vision is that you become empowered to live a more vibrant, purposeful, and fulfilling life that also contributes to a world of peace, harmony, and equity.
Customized One-on-One Personal Engagement and Strategy Sessions
Customized one-on-one coaching sessions offer you the powerful personal support, accountability, and strategies you need to help you reach and sustain transformational shifts that will transcend other coaching you may have experienced in the past. By helping you remove the blind spots in your life, I will help you discover fulfillment – beyond success.
Wisdom Dialogue Intensives
My Wisdom Dialogue programs are two-hour customized sessions that present participants in a group setting with the opportunity to engage with others who are working through similar challenges. As a result of these sessions, participants leave with new insights that help them take lead to more powerful and effective actions that move them forward . The support and synergy of others in these sessions are a huge benefit to the transformational process participants are working toward.
Examples of topics include:
- Leading a Transformed Life
- What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
- Confidence and Change Agility
- Navigating Difficult Situations and Difficult Conversations
Women’s Retreats
Our women’s retreats – held once a year in the Fall – offer the opportunity for a small group of women, for once in their lifetime, to recount their story, examine their present and empower their most desired future. All of our retreats offer opportunities for nurturing the body, mind and spirit in a setting that defies description.