Tag Archives: Customer

sandye brown thumbnail cant outsell Your Level of Thinking

You Can’t Outsell the Level of Your Thinking

Here’s what I know...People want to sell more of their services – but there’s one BIG problem that stands in their way. Their thinking! It is IMPOSSIBLE to out sell the level of your thinking. What does that mean? It means that there’s a direct connection between your mindset and your sales results. When your mindset is limited – you telegraph that, your customer senses that and your sales reflect that. I’ll give you three tips to help you align your thinking and your sales goals. Tip #1: What You Believe You Make Real Your beliefs determine your sales success…
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sandye brown thumbnail bust old sales paradigm

Bust Your Old Sales Paradigm

If you’re being challenged with sales, it’s because you’ve been looking at the process of selling backwards. It’s no wonder so many of us struggle with selling our services - especially if you are a heart-centered entrepreneur. I have five tips that can dramatically change your sales paradigm and help you successfully sell your services. Here we go... Let’s start by taking a look at what selling ISN’T Selling isn't about getting something from people Selling isn't about convincing them to do something they don’t want to do Selling isn't about you So if Selling isn’t about convincing or manipulating…
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