You want to be a wild success. You want to grow and change and evolve. But wanting, wishing, trying, and hoping ain’t gonna make it happen! If what other people think is holding you back, you will never realize the success you long for. Empowering your own Inner Authority matters! There are three things you must resolve and accept to claim your boldest future! You can’t move forward to the life that’s calling you if you make what your detractors want more important than your future. How your non-supporters feel about you as you begin to pull away from the you-they-knew has less to do with you and more to do with…
Empowering, your own Inner Authority matters!
There are three things you must resolve and accept to claim your boldest future!
- You can’t move forward to the life that’s calling you if you make what your detractors want more important than your future you want.
How your non-supporters feel about you as you begin to pull away from the you-they-knew has less to do with you and more to do with them and their own insecurities.
2. One of the biggest comfort zones you have to transcend is the ‘Zone of Acceptability’.
This zone is all about the rewards you get from being liked for the familiar acceptable view that people are accustomed to versus the ‘Self Authored Authentic’ YOU that’s calling you.
3. It takes personal power and energy – exerted over and over and over again – to break out of the ‘Zone of Acceptability’.
Breaking out of the ‘Zone of Acceptability’ is like being a spaceship escaping the Earth’s gravity. You will have to muster tremendous energy, personal power, and focused intention. Even when you do change, some people won’t let go of the old you. So you might hear them saying things like, “Oh you’ve changed, I just don’t know you anymore; I liked you better before!”
You will have to develop the fortitude to keep choosing the YOU, you are becoming.
Being with people who don’t “get” you and who don’t uplift you to your highest potential is the loneliest lonely there is but with courage and your connections with friends, coaches, and mentors who know, see and appreciate you, you will move past the judgments of others and the pain of being misunderstood and unappreciated.
If you want to achieve your most inspired, fulfilling, and impactful future, empowering your Inner Authority matters!
You must choose to move boldly towards the authentic, self-authored self that wants to be born within you versus succumb to the well-meaning (and sometimes not-so-well-meaning) people who don’t see or support the “YOU” that you are becoming.
The last thing you want to do is live a life:
- Where you are Liked but Lost
- Where you don’t do what you feel you must
- Where you don’t become who you are meant to become